Hello, friends!
If you came to this page, then you are our potential business partner, and the partnership should be mutually beneficial, this is our fundamental principle. To do this, we have developed a multi-level pricing scheme, which involves various types of cooperation and the possibility of making a profit when selling our clothes. If you decide to cooperate with us as a wholesale buyer or as part of an affiliate program, you need to register on the partner registration page http://marrus.ua/index.php?route=affiliate/login
When registering on the partner registration page:
If you are a wholesale buyer, check the box next to "wholesale customers". You will receive an email with a pricing policy for wholesale customers to the specified email address and our manager will contact you.
If you are interested in an affiliate program, check the box next to “affiliate program”. In your partner account, go to the “Partner Agreement Tracking Code” section, get a referral code and referral links to any product that you wish to place on your Internet resources. These can be sites, social networks, forums or articles containing a link in the text. Starting referral fee is 5% of the purchase amount.
If you are already registered on the site as a client, go to the “Register a partner account” section in your personal account, after registering a partner account, our manager will contact you to clarify the above details.
But the easiest way is to write us a message in the form specified in the contacts:
or call +38 (068) 201-90-04
We are always open for mutually beneficial cooperation!